
Hey there!

I’m Ash, a mom of four who is passionate about homeschooling, pregnancy, family, and adventure. Thanks for visiting!

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About Me

Hi again, I wanted to tell you a little bit more about myself. I’m a SAHM of 4 kiddos. My husband and I have a 16 year old boy, 11 year old boy, 6 year old girl, and 1 year old boy.
We homeschool them teaching the basics you’d learn in regular school. We read daily, learn life necessities such as cooking, baking, laundry, and more.

Currently I am training to be a doula, as it is a passion of mine to help moms new and experienced through their journey of creating life. I want to be there for mamas as a support from the beginning of their pregnancy all the way through their postpartum journey when they need it most.

Follow me as I share my own stories and provide insight, tips, hacks, resources, and products that have all helped me through the years.

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